Purse crazy full...

Heading to an amazing destination in Europe... It is hard to decide what to bring with me on the plane. A friend of mine asked me today if I had a post whith tips about packing. Great idea! Specially when I pack for 5 weeks of traveling in different climates. I don't know how often I'll be able to post while abroad, but I'll take good note of what I use and I don't. That way in my way back I'll be able to write about how to pack for a long trip and on a budget. So far I share with you some pictures from one of the many airports around the world.

Dentro de poco espero poder escribir un post sobre ideas a la hora de hacer la maleta. A veces me toca viajar durante varias semanas y es cierto que no es fácil  hacer la maleta. Diferentes lugares, climas, tipo de ropa... Espero en este viaje, que justo hoy emprendo, tomar buena nota de lo que uso y lo que no, para daros las mejores sugerencias posibles. Muchos saludos desde uno de los miles de aeropuertos del mundo. 
Purse crazy full... Purse crazy full... Reviewed by Unknown on 15.13 Rating: 5
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